Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chocolate Cake vs Roast Beef dinner

Both girls home from school sick today, so we're having a pyjama day. I've tried for years to have a day when I stay in my jamies for the whole day, but I just can't do it! I usually just feel gross and need to have a shower. It's 2:15pm and I'm still in my jamies, so this is probably a record.
I'm watching a bit of tv today and I've seen an ad that I've seen before, and each time my reaction is the same. It's advertising Healthy Choice frozen meals. A woman comes home from work and reaches for a piece of nice, big, chocolate cake in the fridge. A man appears from behind her fridge and tells her to look in the freezer, where she has a heap of Healthy Choice frozen meals, so she grabs one and eats it.
I have to say, if I'm in the mood for a nice, big piece of chocolate cake I am NOT going to be satisfied with a roast beef meal! What are those advertisers thinking?


Ecushla said...

lets face it - a bloke wrote the ad....a very dumb one.

Anonymous said...

If my husband suggested roast beef instead of chocolate cake I'd suggest that he 'pleasure himself' rather than bother me for sex!! It's on a par I think. There is no subsitute!! TE