Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A new doctor

It's been a while since I blogged last. Maybe that's a sign that life is moving on.
Today I had an appointment with a new GP (I wasn't feeling as supported by my last one as I should have). We had a bit of a getting-to-know-you session and I was quite surprised when I was talking to her about the revelations etc of the last 12 months she actually cried! Even doctors have a life, and feelings and sometimes our lives touch theirs. Needless to say I feel a lot more supported by her.
We talked about about my weight and a motivation to get rid of a lot of it. She actually asked me "what would happen for you to say 'f*** you' to lost some weight?" Ah, it was funny. She's a middle-aged woman of migrant parents (although she might not appreciate that description) and she said the 'f' word was one of the first english words she learned....of course. So now I'm left pondering what makes me angry enough to motivate me?


Anonymous said...

Wow! I think your GP sounds great! So glad you changed, the other one wasn't too great. Carolyn

Brandi-lee said...

Glad you found a supportive doc, makes a BIG difference.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious .. do you have to be angry to be motivated? Can your motivation come from something other than anger? I'm reading a really good book at the moment called "If not dieting, then what?" by Dr Rick Kausmann. Before you think about dieting and motivation and things like that, have a look at his website ... it's quite liberating.

BTW ... lovely to hear that your Dr cried for you - that's so validating and a gentle reminder for you of how crappy things have been when seen from the eyes of someone who's heard it for the first time. Love you. TE