Thursday, August 13, 2009

and another thing....

Last night after the netball clinic (that's where I was going with this to start with, and I got a bit side-tracked!) Madame I had a bit of a melt-down at home. I don't really know what started it or triggered it but she just got overwhelmed by a lot of things and was yelling at me and Princess S and getting pretty out of control. When she's like this I don't usually handle it very well because I'm human, and I get tired too, and stressed, and yesterday in particular I was feeling one of those 'lonely times' that happen every now and then. So I got grumpy with her and she got worse (of course). Eventually we sat together on the couch and fighting everything inside of me I put my arm around her and told her that I just don't know how to help her sometimes. She started to calm down and went to bed still a bit teary. Then she called me into the bedroom and said "You're the best mum a girl could ask for". Wow! I think she must have read that in a book somewhere....I certainly don't feel that it's true, and it isn't the sort of thing she would normally say. But, it was really lovely to hear it and it helped her to calm down and move on so it's all good!
I think I'm done now ;-)


Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

That brought tears to my eyes :) She alone, well, her and Princess S, are the only judges of that, not you! I have to remind my man that I'm the only one with a vote in how good a job he's doing at being a husband, and your girl are the only ones with a vote in how amazing you are as a mum :)

Anonymous said...

WOW ... Jen that's AMAZING. Bless that little girl.

And well done you for being honest with her ... it obviously reached her on some level. You'll have to save that one up for future confrontations eh?

I know what you meant about not responding well when the kids lose it. Jaime was home on the weekend and was particularly demanding ... needing me a lot and when she wants something she doesn't 'do' patience. Things escalate out of control frighteningly fast. But instead of taking a breath and handling it calmly, I get angry with her ... even though it's not really her fault and she doesn't know any other way to be. I wish I had a better way of dealing with it, but I too am 'only human' ... flawed, imperfect ... but doing the best I can.

Which is what you're doing ... and Madame I clearly sees that. TE xx