Friday, February 20, 2009

I love to mess with Madame I's Asperger's brain sometimes.... this morning she wanted to do a bit of crafty stuff before school and she was dawdling a bit. So I told her if she wanted to do it she would have to get her skates on - and she looked around her feet on the floor for the skate! It was so funny! I then explained to her that it means you have to move faster and she goes "Oh, ok" At least she can laugh at herself.

On a different note, yes, CJL I am actually getting rid of Tupperware. I'm sure there is some law against this somewhere in the world - it just feels wrong! I am very proud of myself though for being able to let things go. I'm not quite at the stage of throwing away birthday cards immediately after reading them (not looking at anyone PKE)..... I think I still have some birthday cards in a box from when I turned 7!

Being in this new house reminds me a lot of when I was living on my own just before I got married. It was the first time in my life I'd lived on my own and I loved it. The bizarre thing is that at that time I took over the lease of a friend who was getting married and moving the the country - and now my next door neighbour (and landlord) are that friend's sisters-in-law! How weird is that? So all these connections, and living in a small 2 bedroom place remind me of that time when I lived on my own. It's a time of discovering who I really am, what I want from life, what kind of parent do I want to be (without having to consult with another parent for a consensus first). It's a very powerful (and sometimes intimidating) time and place for me. To have a chance to start all over and have the freedom to be me.

Today I went to lunch with BF to an amazing authentic Ethiopian restaurant - not that I know what authentic Ethiopian food tastes like, but I know there were lots of Ethiopians having lunch there so that's good enough for me. It was nice to be out doing 'adult' stuff and no-one having expectations of me. Sometimes I think I slip into the whole thing of people expecting that because I'm recently separated I will be a certain way, and I will do certain things and I will not be happy and stuff like that. It was nice to be in a place where no-one (except BF and she doesn't have expectations of me anyway) knew my story, and I didn't have to play a 'role' for anyone, and nobody expected me to behave in a certain way. I guess kind of like when someone's partner dies and they catch themselves laughing over some silly little thing, then they feel guilty about feeling happiness for a few seconds. It's just nice to be in a place where it's ok for me to be happy (and to be able to forget all the other stuff for a while). I think being surrounded by Ethiopian men may have had something to do with my mood......mmmmm........ The food was great :-)

Tomorrow is my first day here of being on my own (girls are with D) and I plan to get lots more unpacking done. I can't wait til I don't have any cardboard boxes left in the house. Then it will be time to start Uni....

This home is so comfy, it feels like we're in a holiday park. We have great neighbours who we've already met, and there are a few other children here for the girls to play with. It's just beautiful, and feels so peaceful.

To CJL - re. collections: if I get rid of a lot of my Tupperware and as you suggest we all need our collections, what else could I collect? It will have to be something fairly small as I don't have a lot of room for storage.....any ideas?


OziMum said...

Neehow!!! (that's aussie-chinese for hello!!!)

I think its hilarious that you feel like you're at a holiday park!!! So do I, at present... oh thats right... I AM!!! Hanging out for home.... and strangely enough - my washing mashine!!!

What should you collect? Hmmm.... Todd collects "shot glasses"... I find them useful too!!!! I've got quite a handbag collection going on too!!! (all fakes... but at least my collection is consistent?!!)

Anonymous said...

How can you possibly have an issue with throwing away old birthday cards. Get with the program girlfriend!! I spent some time last night with a friend in Wallaroo and got to see the value first hand of having a friend who is a 'hoarder'. She was a consultant for a scrapbooking company and has enormous amounts of stuff just sitting in cupboards. Guess who got to bring some of it home? So, whilst I'm not a hoarder I can now see the benefits of having friends (and family) who are. Now about this tupperware ... I have plenty of room in my cupboards (on account of having thrown lots of junk away!!). LOL. PKE