Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Power of Place

It seems to be a very powerful thing, to know whose you are, where you belong, where you come from, where you go to for shelter and protection, etc.

I don't quite understand how a tattoo can fill this hole but it has. I feel like I've been branded, by my Dad. I guess in a crude sense it's like branding your cattle - it says they belong to you and if they are found wandering it's clear where they need to be returned to (or where they belong).

I think it was touched on a bit in the movie Australia when the young boy needed to go walkabout to find himself, to find who he really was as a person.

What do you do when you don't know what your heritage is? How do you find your sense of 'place' then? I think this has been part of my searching. Having found the signature of a parent I barely knew has helped me find my 'place'.

1 comment:

Ecushla said...

It's great that something so simplet (but painful) can bring so much to your life :)