Saturday, April 25, 2009

A poem by me

Feeling very melancholy today. Anzac Day always does that to me. So much loss.
Here's a poem I just wrote:

I may have a smile on my face when you see me
but that does not mean I'm happy
or content
or settled
or understanding
It means I don't feel safe to show my real face
I have to keep it all together
for my daughters
for my family
for my friends
for you

Thank you for being a friend and helping me through this very difficult time.
One day I will smile with my whole body again. One day I will wake up with confidence to face the day.
Until then, I have some amazing friends and family to help me.

I'm heading to my Mum's this afternoon for a card making workshop tomorrow with two of my sisters and I'm really looking forward to that.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Oh Jen - I haven't read your blog in ages (sorry) but this poem really brought tears to my eyes - it really says what is is like to have to wear a mask so everyone else can be happy. Still, I'd like to think you can be yourself with us. We love you. Carolyn