Saturday, May 9, 2009


Madame I had her very first ever game of netball this morning.
They are doing practice on Thursdays after school which is a bit of a problem because she goes to street funk (hip hop) lessons at that time. We've found a compromise in that she does half an hour of netball practice then we race over to dance which is not far away. So she's had only two half-hour sessions of netball practice and she's a star!
I know I'm reasonably biased, but seriously, you should have seen her. She played three quarters of the game and played in GD, WD and GK. She has Asperger's Syndrome and who would have thought that would come in handy for netball?! She has very little awareness of personal space which is just great when you're a defender in netball. So yay for Illaria, she has found something that she is brilliant at! I told her (when she was GK) that she had to stick to her player like glue and try and get in front of her when the ball was coming. And she did. She was very focused on staying right with her player (even when the ball was in our goal circle! - at the other end of the court).
The girls are with D this weekend (although coming home for Mother's Day tomorrow) so he brought them to netball and I met them there. It was very awkward to start with but it wasn't too bad. I think we'll be able to find a way of both supporting her at netball without it being too difficult.
The talk we had on Wednedsay night seems to have cleared the air a bit, at least for me. I think I really have let go of a lot of attachments I had with him. I felt a lot more comfortable around him today than I have for the last 6 months, so that's a really good thing. I've spent a couple of days feeling very very sad about it all, but today was good, so maybe it's time to move forward.
I hope all you mums out there have a great Mother's Day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Madame I she's my hero!! Sooo cool that she's found something she rocks at!! TE